There were reports that Kareena has decided to convert to Islam but all of them were only rumors
Kareena also said that she has never cook any food for her husband Saif Ali Khan nor she is interested in cooking for Chote Nawab Saif. Kareena said that she will be happy if Saif Ali Khan cooks food for her.فلوریڈا: امریکی ریاست فلوریڈا میں مسلح شخص نےایک اپارٹمنٹ میں داخل ہوکر فائرنگ کردی جس کے نتیجے میں 6 افراد ہلاک اور متعدد زخمی ہوگئے۔
امریکی حکام کا کہنا تھا کہ فلوریڈا کے جنوبی علاقے” ہایالی” کی ویسٹ 46th اسٹریٹ پر واقع پانچ منزلہ اپارٹمنٹ میں مسلح شخص رات کوداخل ہوااورفائرنگ کرکے 6 افراد کوہلاک کردیا، مرنے والوں میں 3 خواتین بھی شامل ہیں۔
واقعہ کی اطلاع ملتے ہی پولیس موقع پر پہنچ گئی اور مقابلے کے دوران مسلح شخص کو فائرنگ کرکے ہلاک کردیا۔
حکام کے مطابق مسلح شخص نے مزید 2 افراد کو یرغمال بنارکھا تھا جنہیں بازیاب کرالیا گیا۔
پولیس کا کہنا تھا کہ اپارٹمنٹ میں مختلف مقامات پر 5 لاشیں ملی ہیں جن میں 3 خواتین اور 2 مردوں کی لاشیں شامل ہیں،ایک شخص کی لاش اپارٹمنٹ کے سامنے سڑک پر ملی ہے جو کہ ممکنہ طور پر مسلح شخص کی فائرنگ سے ہلاک ہوا ہے۔
مقامی میڈیا کے مطابق مرنے والوں میں اپارٹمنٹ کے منیجر اوران کی بیوی بھی شامل ہیں تاہم پولیس نے مسلح شخص اور مرنے والوں کی شناخت ظاہرنہیں کی۔
پولیس نے جائے وقوعہ سے شواہد اکٹھا کرکے تحقیقات شروع کردی ہیں۔
انٹرنیٹ کی دنیا میں غیر اخلاقی اور فحش مواد سے پاک سرچ انجن ’’حلال گوگلنگ‘‘ متعارف کرایا گیا ہے۔
حلال گوگلنگ نامی سرچ انجن سرچنگ کے نتائج تو ”گوگل“ اور ”بنگ“ جیسے مشہور سرچ انجنوں سے ہی حاصل کرتا ہے لیکن یہ ایسے خود کار تطہیری نظام کے تحت کام کرتا ہے جو غیر اخلاقی اور فحش مواد کو صارف کی اسکرین تک نہیں پہنچنے دیتا۔
حلال گوگلنگ کی ٹیم کے مطابق اس سرچ انجن کی یہ خوبی ہے کہ یہ دیگر سرچ انجنوں سے کسی بھی متعلقہ موضوع سے متعلق فلٹر کرکے مواد صارف کو فراہم کرتا ہے۔
رپورٹ میں کہا گیا ہے کہ حلال گوگلنگ میں صارفین کو یہ سہولت بھی فراہم کی گئی ہے کہ اگر سرچنگ کے دوران ان کی اسکرین پر کوئی ایسا مواد نظر آتا ہے جو کہ حرام یا غیر اسلامی ہے تو وہ حلال گوگلنگ کو ای میل کے ذریعے اسے ہٹانے کی درخواست بھی کرسکتے ہیں۔
یاد رہے کہ دنیا بھر میں استعمال ہونے والے تمام سرچ انجنوں سے ہر قسم کا مواد صارفین کی پہنچ میں ہوتا ہے جس کی وجہ سے دنیا میں بسنے والے ڈیرھ ارب مسلمان اپنے بچوں کو غیراخلاقی مواد سے بچانے کے لیے متبادل نظام کی ضرورت محسوس کر رہے تھے۔
This video is a lesson for everyone that we shall disturb poor and innocent people but if it goes wrong then it would be disaster for the opponent.This life is not a bed of roses and we need to keep in mind that everyone has power and if that person goes angry then it would be completely another story for that.Watch this video and Share with others.
A new episode of badal Program on express news in which they point out different illegal deeds are going on in our society.Pakistani Nation is corrupt nation on this earth and then they say that why Nawaz Sharif And Zardari are ruling on us.We never think that what we are doing but always show that we are the most peaceful nation.
Watch this Video.
Watch this Video.
This is a change And Pakistani Nation is Celebrating Change in KPK and Pakistan.Imran Khan has done the job and he just fulfill the promised of bringing change in KPK.Pakistani Media must need to appriciate Imran Khan For that.This is the change and Imran Kahn is The symbol of Change,
Watch this Video.
Watch this Video.
This is a new Episode Of Punjabi Tooty and this time Nawaz Sharif is speaking in Punjab.This is a very funny clip about Nawaz Sharif Jalsa Where he was Promising to give electricity but how he was managed all these Things .
For this Purpose you Need To watch this VIdeo of Punjabi tooty .Watch this Video and Donot Forget to share With your Friends.
For this Purpose you Need To watch this VIdeo of Punjabi tooty .Watch this Video and Donot Forget to share With your Friends.
This is an amazing Video How Ashqui 2 Movie Gonna Stuck.This is a Death Sentence for Ashqui 2 movie.Mahesh Butt made a movie Which is one of the best Movie in 2013 crossed 100 croor Business in just 4 weeks but this song is to destory the real impact of Ashqui 2 movie in a Funny Style .
Watch this Video and Laugh.
Watch this Video and Laugh.
There is a chinese blogger and model name Tina Leopard with a face like that of a shoujo manga anime character has been attracting attention on the Internet, she has extremely sharp chin and wide eyes like anime,which is sometimes hard to believe that it could be real.
Apparently, there’s a new fashion trend sweeping across China – the anime look. The country’s most popular social media sites are practically flooded with tons of photos of young people clearly going out of their way to look as much like an anime character as possible. The trend took off last summer, when a girl going by the name of KOKO uploaded photos and videos showing her thin body, pointy chin and disproportionately large eyes. It turned out she used all kinds of makeup tricks to achieve her anime look, and her photos were apparently also altered in Photoshop, but that didn’t seem to matter much to people who wanted to look like the characters in popular Japanese cartoons. And while some of them actually look pretty cool, others are just plain freaky. Case in point, Tina Leopard, a young Chinese model whose extreme facial features have often been compared to those of an alien.
She uses makeup to make her eyes look bigger and, with her naturally long, slender nose and hair that covers both sides of her face, she is able to maintain the appearance, Ms. Leopard also uses fake eyelashes, contact lenses and buckets of makeup. She then posts photos of her on her Weibo microblog and gets thousands of comments.
Apparently, there’s a new fashion trend sweeping across China – the anime look. The country’s most popular social media sites are practically flooded with tons of photos of young people clearly going out of their way to look as much like an anime character as possible. The trend took off last summer, when a girl going by the name of KOKO uploaded photos and videos showing her thin body, pointy chin and disproportionately large eyes. It turned out she used all kinds of makeup tricks to achieve her anime look, and her photos were apparently also altered in Photoshop, but that didn’t seem to matter much to people who wanted to look like the characters in popular Japanese cartoons. And while some of them actually look pretty cool, others are just plain freaky. Case in point, Tina Leopard, a young Chinese model whose extreme facial features have often been compared to those of an alien.
She uses makeup to make her eyes look bigger and, with her naturally long, slender nose and hair that covers both sides of her face, she is able to maintain the appearance, Ms. Leopard also uses fake eyelashes, contact lenses and buckets of makeup. She then posts photos of her on her Weibo microblog and gets thousands of comments.
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